Week 2 Challenge

Pinterest Scrap Inspiration
Theme:  DIY Project Inspiration

Okay, this theme, has so much to do about finding places for inspiration when we are in a slump for scrapbooking. Say you just picked up this really cool kit but you don’t have any photos to use, so what do you do. For me I am a Pinterest junkie. Are you?

For this layout, I want you to look for a holiday Do-it-yourself project that inspires you and create a layout from that project. It could be the color combination, a project you have been wanting to do and it’s on your bucket list, the way the photo is laid out that catches your eye (just like a template) or maybe it’s a background or element in the photo. Whatever it is, I hope this helps inspire you to find a new place for inspiration.

The Layout Rules -

·         The LO must have at least one Photograph.
·         Include the link to the Pinterest page for your inspiration 
·         Remember NO TEMPLATES in this challenge.
·         Each layout must include 70% of With Love Studio current designer elements. This includes freebies given on blogs, Facebook and newsletters.

Deadline and Where to Post Your Layout

·         Deadline for LO to be posted is Sunday September 18th - midnight Pacific Time. NO EXCEPTIONS
·         MUST be posted in the Layout Artisan Gallery
·         MUST post in Week 2 Layouts area here:

Judging will take place on September 9th and you are welcome to have anyone vote for your layout. A link to the poll will be provided.

Leaving love in the gallery is a great way to show support for your fellow competitors please do so in the Layout Artisan Gallery.

Any questions you may have, please ask them here. Anyone can play along with these challenges; you just won’t get a prize… J

Let the fun begin!! I can’t wait to see your Layouts!!!

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