Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Featured Designer: D's Designs

I have had the great pleasure of introducing you to Doudou's Design. Her kits are full of fun realistic elements, word art, beautiful clusters and so much more that will help make your photos pop on your page. But she is also a commercial use designer as well, allowing those who are not the best at extracting to use her great extractions in creating beautiful kits as well.

She is a talented designer and such an inspiration when it comes to realistic kits. When you see the layouts that are created from them, you can see how easy they fit into a book and how stunning they are.

Let me share with you a couple of the kits that I just love as well as some beautiful layouts created from her designs to help spark your creativity for your next layout!! This first kit - Back to School is one of the prizes for this year. Isn't it just lovely!



Here are some adorable layouts that can be found in her designer gallery

Thank you so much D's Designs for your contribution and your support for our Layout Competition! It truly means a lot!

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