Friday, July 3, 2015

And the Layout Artisan Winners are.....


You made it, all the challenges are complete and you can relax!! All of the layouts submitted for this contest were fantastic! We were super impressed with everything submitted and the amazing work you put into your pages! 

Are you ready? Hold, on, just one more minute... nah, just kidding... drum roll please....

1st Place Winner will receive: Anne PC 

2nd Place Winner will receive: Tonje
3rd Place Winner will receive: Hummie
4th Place Winner will receive: BarbaraJ
5th Place Winner will receive: Wendy

1st Place Winner in the Second Chance receive: KBHernandez

2nd Place Winner in the Second Chance will receive: Soro
3rd Place Winner in the Second Chance will receive:Tinkerbell1112

Everyone else who participated will receive a 25% off coupon for the store!We would also like to offer Anne PC a guest spot with our CT for a month. Our CT lead will be contacting you shortly. Congrats again!

Again, congratulations to all who participated! I will be sending an email out later today!